Born To Be Wealthy Academy is a personal development company for children that focuses on helping them develop in six areas of development: spiritual wealth, emotional wealth, cognitive wealth, physical wealth, technology and financial wealth.

Born To Be Wealthy Academy Logo
Born To Be Wealthy Academy Text Logo

Born To Be Wealthy Academy is a personal development company for children that focuses on helping them develop in six areas of development: spiritual wealth, emotional wealth, cognitive wealth, physical wealth, technology and financial wealth.

Born To Be Wealthy Academy is a pioneering personal development initiative for children, uniquely focusing on six key pillars: Spiritual Wealth, Cognitive Wealth, Emotional Wealth, Physical Wealth, Technology, and Financial Wealth. By integrating these core areas, the academy seeks to cultivate a well-rounded sense of well-being, intelligence, resilience, health, digital savvy, and financial acumen among its young learners.

Our Story Image

Born To Be Wealthy Academy is a pioneering personal development initiative for children, uniquely focusing on six key pillars: Spiritual Wealth, Cognitive Wealth, Emotional Wealth, Physical Wealth, Technology, and Financial Wealth. By integrating these core areas, the academy seeks to cultivate a well-rounded sense of well-being, intelligence, resilience, health, digital savvy, and financial acumen among its young learners. Through a carefully designed curriculum that includes meditation and mindfulness, critical thinking and problem-solving, emotional intelligence training, physical activities, tech literacy, and financial education, the academy prepares children for a prosperous future in a holistic and balanced manner.

Born To Be Wealthy Academy embodies this contemporary vision in aiming to redefine wealth in a multifaceted manner that encompasses not just financial success, but also spiritual, cognitive, emotional, physical, and technological prosperity. This initiative seeks to empower individuals and communities by fostering a comprehensive approach to well-being, recognizing the inter-connectedness of various aspects of life that contribute to true wealth.

This pillar focuses on nurturing a child's inner beliefs, values, and sense of purpose. It aims to cultivate a strong moral compass, a deep sense of connection with the universe, and an understanding of their role within it. Spiritual wealth encourages mindfulness, compassion, and empathy, helping children to navigate life with a sense of peace and fulfillment.

Cognitive wealth emphasizes the development of intellectual capabilities. It covers critical thinking, problem-solving, creativity, and the ability to learn and adapt to new information. This pillar is about encouraging curiosity, fostering a love for learning, and equipping children with the mental tools necessary to succeed in an ever-changing world.

In a world increasingly driven by technology, this pillar prepares children to navigate, understand, and leverage technology effectively. It encompasses digital literacy, coding, and understanding emerging technologies. Technology wealth aims to ensure children are not just consumers of technology but also creators and innovators.

Emotional wealth is about understanding, managing, and expressing emotions in a healthy way. It teaches children emotional intelligence, resilience, and how to form healthy relationships. This pillar aims to build self-awareness, empathy towards others, and the skills to cope with life's ups and downs.

This pillar focuses on the importance of physical health and well-being. It includes nutrition, exercise, sleep, and overall bodily care. Physical wealth aims to instill habits that maintain the body's health, vitality, and endurance, recognizing that a strong body supports a strong mind.

Unlike the traditional focus on wealth, this pillar aims to teach children about money management, investing, saving, and the value of wealth creation in a responsible manner. It's about imparting knowledge on financial literacy from an early age to prepare them for financial independence and success.

Born To Be Wealthy Academy Logo
Born To Be Wealthy Academy Phrase

Born To Be Wealthy Inc. embodies this contemporary vision, aiming to redefine wealth in a multifaceted manner that encompasses not just financial success, but also spiritual, cognitive, emotional, physical, and technological prosperity. This initiative seeks to empower individuals and communities by fostering a comprehensive approach to well-being, recognizing the inter-connectedness of various aspects of life that contribute to true wealth.

Born To Be Wealthy Spirtual Wealth
Born To Be Wealthy Spirtual Wealth Image

This pillar focuses on nurturing a child's inner beliefs, values, and sense of purpose. It aims to cultivate a strong moral compass, a deep sense of connection with the universe, and an understanding of their role within it. Spiritual wealth encourages mindfulness, compassion, and empathy, helping children to navigate life with a sense of peace and fulfillment.

Born To Be Wealthy Cognitive Wealth
Born To Be Wealthy Cognitive Wealth Image

Cognitive wealth emphasizes the development of intellectual capabilities. It covers critical thinking, problem-solving, creativity, and the ability to learn and adapt to new information. This pillar is about encouraging curiosity, fostering a love for learning, and equipping children with the mental tools necessary to succeed in an ever-changing world.

Born To Be Wealthy Technological Wealth
Born To Be Wealthy Technological Wealth Image

In a world increasingly driven by technology, this pillar prepares children to navigate, understand, and leverage technology effectively. It encompasses digital literacy, coding, and understanding emerging technologies. Technology wealth aims to ensure children are not just consumers of technology but also creators and innovators.

Born To Be Wealthy Emotional Wealth
Born To Be Wealthy Emotional Wealth Image

Emotional wealth is about understanding, managing, and expressing emotions in a healthy way. It teaches children emotional intelligence, resilience, and how to form healthy relationships. This pillar aims to build self-awareness, empathy towards others, and the skills to cope with life's ups and downs.

Born To Be Wealthy Physical Wealth
Born To Be Wealthy Physical Wealth Image

This pillar focuses on the importance of physical health and well-being. It includes nutrition, exercise, sleep, and overall bodily care. Physical wealth aims to instill habits that maintain the body's health, vitality, and endurance, recognizing that a strong body supports a strong mind.

Born To Be Wealthy Financial Wealth
Born To Be Wealthy Financial Wealth Image

Unlike the traditional focus on wealth, this pillar aims to teach children about money management, investing, saving, and the value of wealth creation in a responsible manner. It's about imparting knowledge on financial literacy from an early age to prepare them for financial independence and success.

Born To Be Wealthy Waiting List

Journey To Launch

Embark on an extraordinary journey with Born To Be Wealthy Academy, where we're dedicated to unlocking the full potential of our future leaders, thinkers, and innovators. As we gear up for our exciting 2025 launch, we invite you to join our waiting list.

From fostering spiritual depth and cognitive brilliance to cultivating emotional resilience, physical vitality, financial savvy, and technological prowess, Born To Be Wealthy is more than just a personal development company—it's a transformative experience.

Whether you're a parent, guardian, or educator, this is your chance to be part of a visionary community committed to raising empowered, well-rounded children ready to make a positive mark on the world. Don't miss out on this opportunity to give the gift of lifelong wealth in its most holistic form.

Welcome to the beginning of a brighter future! Join our waiting list today!

Embark on an extraordinary journey with Born To Be Wealthy Academy, where we're dedicated to unlocking the full potential of our future leaders, thinkers, and innovators. As we gear up for our exciting 2025 launch, we invite you to join our waiting list.

Whether you're a parent, guardian, or educator, this is your chance to be part of a visionary community committed to raising empowered, well-rounded children ready to make a positive mark on the world. Don't miss out on this opportunity to give the gift of lifelong wealth in its most holistic form.

Welcome to the beginning of a brighter future! Join our waiting list today!

Born To Be Wealthy Academy’s personal development programs for children offer a multitude of benefits, nurturing their growth on emotional, social, holistic and intellectual levels. These programs provide a structured environment for youngsters to explore their interests, develop essential life skills, and build self-confidence.

Self-awareness and Emotional Intelligence

Enhanced Problem-solving Skills

Increased Resilience and Mental Well-being

Empowerment and Self-confidence

Born To Be Wealthy Program Benefits

Born To Be Wealthy Academy’s personal development programs for children offer a multitude of benefits, nurturing their growth on emotional, social, holistic and intellectual levels. These programs provide a structured environment for youngsters to explore their interests, develop essential life skills, and build self-confidence.

Self-awareness and Emotional Intelligence

Enhanced Problem-solving Skills

Increased Resilience and Mental Well-being

Empowerment and Self-confidence

Born To Be Wealthy Image

Born To Be Wealthy Academy proudly collaborates with leading professionals across various fields to offer unparalleled services in spiritual, cognitive, technological, emotional, physical, and financial wealth. This partnership ensures that each child benefits from expert guidance and cutting-edge practices tailored to foster holistic development and well-rounded success. Through these collaborations, we guarantee a rich, nurturing environment where every child can explore their full potential in a comprehensive and supportive ecosystem.

Born To Be Wealthy Academy is continuously forging partnerships with top professionals across diverse fields to ensure every aspect of our holistic personal development program for children is underpinned by expert knowledge and innovative practices.

Born To Be Wealthy Pro

Born To Be Wealthy Academy proudly collaborates with leading professionals across various fields to offer unparalleled services in spiritual, cognitive, technological, emotional, physical, and financial wealth. This partnership ensures that each child benefits from expert guidance and cutting-edge practices tailored to foster holistic development and well-rounded success. Through these collaborations, we guarantee a rich, nurturing environment where every child can explore their full potential in a comprehensive and supportive ecosystem.

Born To Be Wealthy Kids

Born To Be Wealthy has forged partnerships with top professionals across diverse fields to

ensure every aspect of our holistic personal development program for children is underpinned by expert knowledge and innovative practices.

Dream Big, Act Bold: A Journey of Personal Growth

for Young Minds

Born To Be Wealthy Buzz

I am eagerly awaiting the launch of this service, confident that it will provide a nurturing and stimulating environment for my children. It feels like a breath of fresh air in the realm of child development services.


Gloria Martinez

Anyiis, Inc.

I am beyond excited for the launch of this holistic service for kids, which promises a revolutionary blend of physical, emotional, and intellectual growth activities. It's the comprehensive solution we've been waiting for to support our children's development in such a dynamic, nurturing way.


Darcy Bennett

Barone LLC.

Born To Be Wealthy FAQ

What is the vision behind Born To Be Wealthy Academy?

Born To Be Wealthy Academy is founded on the vision of providing a holistic personal development program for children, going beyond traditional academic learning. Our aim is to cultivate well-rounded, resilient, and successful individuals by focusing on multiple dimensions of wealth — from spiritual and cognitive to physical, emotional, financial, and technological. We believe in nurturing the whole child for a balanced and enriched life.

FAQ image

How does Spiritual Wealth benefit my child?

Spiritual Wealth focuses on nurturing a child's inner beliefs, values, and sense of purpose. By cultivating a strong moral compass and a deep sense of connection with the universe, children learn mindfulness, compassion, and empathy. This helps them navigate life with a sense of peace and fulfillment, equipping them to handle life's challenges with grace and understanding.

FAQ image

Can you explain more about the Cognitive Wealth pillar?

Cognitive Wealth is all about developing a child's intellectual capabilities such as critical thinking, problem-solving, creativity, and adaptability. This pillar encourages curiosity and a love for learning, providing children with the mental tools necessary to thrive in an ever-changing world. It aims to prepare children not just for academic success but for lifelong learning and innovation.

FAQ image

Why is Emotional Wealth important?

Emotional Wealth teaches children about understanding, managing, and expressing their emotions in a healthy way. It's crucial for developing emotional intelligence, resilience, and the ability to form healthy relationships. This pillar helps build self-awareness and empathy, equipping children with the skills to cope with life's ups and downs, thereby fostering emotional stability and well-being.

FAQ image

How does Born To Be Wealthy Academy incorporate Financial and Technology Wealth into its program?

Financial Wealth teaches children the fundamentals of money management, investing, saving, and responsible wealth creation. It's designed to impart financial literacy from an early age, preparing them for financial independence and success. Technology Wealth, on the other hand, prepares children to effectively navigate, understand, and leverage technology. It covers digital literacy, coding, and emerging technologies, ensuring children are not just passive consumers of technology but active creators and innovators. Together, these pillars provide a comprehensive education that prepares children for the complexities of the modern world.

FAQ image

I am eagerly awaiting the launch of this service, confident that it will provide a nurturing and stimulating environment for my children. It feels like a breath of fresh air in the realm of child development services.


Gloria Martinez

Anyiis, INC

I am beyond excited for the launch of this holistic service for kids, which promises a revolutionary blend of physical, emotional, and intellectual growth activities. It's the comprehensive solution we've been waiting for to support our children's development in such a dynamic, nurturing way.


Darcy Bennett

Barone LLC.

Born To Be Wealthy Children

The Power of Positivity:

Building Confidence and

Resilience in Children

Children's education is a cornerstone for shaping their future success and societal

contributions. It lays the foundation for lifelong learning and personal development.

Engaging and interactive learning experiences inspire curiosity and creativity,

encouraging children to explore their interests and passions.

Born To Be Wealthy Logo

Born To Be Wealthy Academy is a revolutionary personal development company for children, dedicated to nurturing a new generation of well-rounded, resilient, and successful individuals through its holistic approach to wealth that spans spiritual, cognitive, emotional, physical, financial, and technological realms.

Contact Us

(407) 634-2121

FL | NY | LA | AF | GUY

©2024 – Born To Be Wealthy Inc. | All Right Reserved

Born To Be Wealthy Academy is a revolutionary personal development company for children, dedicated to nurturing a new generation of well-rounded, resilient, and successful individuals through its holistic approach to wealth that spans spiritual, cognitive, emotional, physical, financial, and technological realms.


(407) 634-2121

Orlando, FL

©2024 – Born To Be Wealthy | All Right Reserved